Team Snoopervisors

Team Snoopervisors

Courage, Luchador, Mollie and Roxie have teamed up to promote the work at home life that is that of a Snoopervisor.

What is a Snoopervisor you might ask? It is the loving pets of those of us who work from home and who enjoy the fact that our hoomans are available to us during their working hours. It is tough being a Snoopervisor. We have to keep our hoomans on track and ensure they are doing their jobs and doing them well. We provide support and encourage them by providing comfort, companionship, direction, and (quite often) potty breaks.

To be a Snoopervisor, there are only two requirements. One. Your hooman has to work from home. Two. You have to be a pet.  Keep in mind, this is not just for dogs and cats. You can be a member of Team Snoopervisor as a chameleon, turtle, raccoon, horse, fish, or any other animal that someone lovingly keeps as a pet. Membership is free and we welcome anyone who would like to contribute a delightful insight, tidbit, or story to further the objectives and missions we will be unfolding for you in the future.

As the official board of Team Snoopervisor, our four main members do have titles, and we would like to share them with you below:

Courage: No official title yet. 😦

Luchador: Brown Sugar Eyes

Mollie: Momma Dog or The Shadow Stalker

Roxie: The Elder Dog

Look for stories, pictures, and videos to follow. As always, for those who would like to contribute or become a guest blogger, contact information is below.


In the subject line, please put Team Snoopervisor in there so that it filters to the right place and can be seen for quick reply. Be sure to include a bit about the hooman and the Snoopervisor.

All contributions will be reviewed by the board.

As always…What do YOU think?

#TeamSnoopervisor   #Snoopervisor  #WAHProfessionals  #WAHAdventures  #WAH

What do YOU think?