#SOCS #JusJoJan: Glass



Saturday mornings are my dream. If I could have a Saturday morning every day, I believe I would be the most sane person on the planet. This morning, I had already played my games on my phone until I had run out of lives and it was all done before Coffee! YES! I did something that some zombie-like human would do in the BC era of my day. BELIEVE IT! Anyhow, I decided I would do the kids chores, left over from last night, just to make my time standing in my corner of the kitchen more pleasant. Reality is, I was trying to 1. not make more coffee, 2. Drink less coffee than normal and 3. Not feel so nasty in a kitchen that was not cleaned up from dinner last night. So I start with putting up the dishes.

You remember those glass casserole dishes your mother used to have. The things that were heavy, white and had that old country design on what should be the “front” (despite them being square. You know what I am talking about. They are heavy, have a thick glass lid with a knob in the middle? Yea. Those things. I happen to have two of them. One smaller than the other. While the smaller one does not have a lid anymore, the larger one does.

Some back story here: Cal recently purchased a new set of glassware and Tupperware bowls for me for Christmas. To enable us to continue to trash and break the older set, I made space in the cookware cabinet for them and pushed all the glass bowls and bake ware to the top two shelves of said cabinet. This means I had to artfully stack somethings. Being that it was like 4 AM and I didn’t feel like taking out a stack to put the larger of the glass, white casserole dish away, I tried to ‘slide’ it in underneath the smaller one and some other heavy glass bowl on top of it. Oh, it slid in there alright. It also didn’t sound quite right when it appeared to have slid into place. I stood there and looked at it for a minute. Because I am the most graceful person in the house, I did the automatic look-around-to-see-if-anyone-saw-that. Thankfully they didn’t. However, I know I am going to be busted. I recycle everything I can possibly recycle and, as we all know, glass is a recycle material so it is going to sit by the back door until the kid tasked with taking it out does just that.

Now, I thought it would be easy to just pull the glass dish back out and reach behind the smaller one to grab the other piece. No, that wouldn’t do because when Momma does something she has to do it right, ya know. My only intent in the kitchen this morning, before sunrise, was to put away the clean dishes and be proud that I did something today. It is my day off and I really don’t have to do anything if I don’t want to. Ah, but now, I had to move everything out of the cabinet, including the stack of stuff in front of the stack of bake ware that I was trying to…well…stack.

I pulled everything out on that shelf of the cabinet and noted it not only cracked, it broke into about 5 pieces and shattered part of it somehow. I also discovered it was the dish with the lid. I said to myself “THIS, my friends, is how history gets destroyed. Yet another piece of the past that no one will be able to appreciate any longer.” Funny how we think about certain things and still take them for granted. Especially a piece of old, glass bake ware that certainly has brought many a fond memory. As I stand there, 40 years old, in my kitchen, my subconscious shed a virtual tear at the fact that this dish was no longer going to bring back fond memories. **sigh**

Not only did I have to get rid of the lid too, (there was nothing else it would fit. Gotta love commerce.) I had to wash the tray…carefully…that it was sitting in. Thank goodness that it did not scratch that tray up as it was yet another piece of “history” that I would likely take for granted. Speaking of which….I fail to remember what happened to the smaller tray. Hmmm….

It is amazing how something as insignificant as a piece of glass bake ware can have such an impact on someone. Even more amazing is that it is over 40 years old. Elder bake ware. Is there such a thing? It is even more amazing that it’s demise happened on the #SOCS day for the word: glass.

What do YOU think?


Disclaimer: This post is part of Stream of Conscious Saturday and Just Jot it January.


About emaylerocks

Work at home professional, author, wife, mother of many. I view the world in a slightly different way than the rest. They don't let me out much so I do have a lot of time to think. Speaking of that... What do YOU think?

Posted on January 21, 2017, in Uncategorized. Bookmark the permalink. 7 Comments.

  1. So true, and funny! I have 5-6 pieces of the white and blue flowered ones and use them all the time. I used to have 7-8, but you know how that goes….

    Liked by 1 person

  2. The passing of an elder dish. *sigh*


  3. aww poor elder glasswear… I tend to think these same thoughts whenever I break something. I have some bowls that belonged to my grandma that is use. I try to be careful, and hope they last a few more years. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  4. I know. Using the dishes passed down makes you think of that person, and all the good food that was served in the dish through the years.

    Liked by 1 person

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